As bungalows and other older houses are demolished, the number of single family residences built in Toronto is growing. But not very many are distinguished by innovative design. The Tile House by architects Kohn Shnier is different.
Design Impacts Framework: Phase II – Tommy Thompson Park Pavilion
Tommy Thompson Park has a new front gate. The beloved linear walkway and bike path on the Waterfront was created by the building of the Leslie Street Spit in the early 1950s. Recently, to add to the functionality of the park, the City of Toronto commissioned DTAH, the multidisciplinary Toronto-based design firm, to create an entrance pavilion and entry landscape to house an educational support space and public washrooms.
CaféTO Winterization: Design Charrette Report
Winter Update 2021
Design Response to COVID-19: Featured Project, HandSandal
Now that people are returning to the office and spending more time in public spaces, they have concerns about how often and how thoroughly surfaces such as door knobs, buttons, levers and handles are sanitized. HandSandal is a simple hand hygiene device designed by Design 1st that allows for zero-contact with potentially contaminated surfaces in public environments.
DIAC has identified 5 critical impacts of design in 3 Toronto Placemaking projects
In 2020, the Design Industry Advisory Committee (DIAC) developed a Framework to explore critical impacts of design. These impacts apply to all types of projects across all of the design disciplines. DIAC decided to demonstrate these impacts by focusing on design interventions in Placemaking. Successful Placemaking involves a focus on economic prosperity, social wellbeing and environmental sustainability – the fundamental principles of all good design. DIAC wanted to understand how specific design interventions create positive impacts that can be assessed and measured and how these impacts can be applied to other Placemaking projects.
Design Response to COVID-19: Featured Project, Urban Sun
Daan Roosegaarde is a Rotterdam-based designer and innovator whose work exists at the intersection of art, science and design. His installations in the public realm often have an environmental theme. In 2019 Roosegaarde started work on a technical design to sanitize the air in public spaces. With the start of the pandemic the development of the project, called Urban Sun, took on a new urgency.
Design Response to COVID-19: Featured Projects, June 2021
As soon as the pandemic hit last year, industrial designer Kevin Mar was on a video call with a number of his colleagues, a braintrust of people who wanted to help. They considered developing a locally-made ventilator but they quickly realized that designing this complex medical device would need to involve close collaboration with health care and engineering professionals. This project was just too complex to take on at the time.
Designing for the Pandemic – Best Practices Emerging from Project Submissions
DIAC’s Design Response to COVID-19 Call for Projects attracted a wide variety of submissions from designers of all disciplines. As we begin to share these projects, here are a number of Best Practices emerging from the submissions we have received so far. We will be exploring specific benefits of early involvement of designers in each of the projects we post.
Design Response to COVID-19: Featured Projects, April 2021
Sometimes we have to envision a big idea to make the emotional connection with people’s wants and needs. That was the starting point for Calgary-based interior designer Burt Boucock’s Coronavirus Recovery Suite. Boucock imagined the ideal environment for victims of the Coronavirus to recovery once they were out of immediate medical danger. He describes his concept as “self-sterilization environment meets fully-contained recovery suite.”
Information Graphics in the Pandemic: Are We Getting a Clear Picture? Webinar ready for viewing
The Design Industry Advisory Committee (DIAC) is delighted to be collaborating with RGD to present this webinar. We have invited a panel of experts to share their perspectives and to take your questions.
Since the pandemic began, we have been bombarded by data with information changing almost daily. It is a lot to absorb. Information Graphics can help to provide us with a snapshot of what’s going on. How well are these communications working, what are the success stories, and what are the challenges involved?
DIAC Update 2020
The Design Industry Advisory Committee (DIAC) continues to liaise with business, design and government stakeholders to ensure that designers from all disciplines play a vital role in driving innovation and enabling all sectors to achieve sustainable business practices. DIAC activities help to expand its membership, to market Toronto as a centre for strategic design and to engage partners for future research.
Call for Projects! Design Response to COVID-19: What is your innovation?
Design can help us to rethink the way we live, work and interact. In response to the pandemic, we need the skills of designers from all disciplines to develop resilient, human-centred and cost-effective solutions that work for everyone. What are you working on? The Design Industry Advisory Committee (DIAC) seeks to promote design-led innovation and interventions at this critical time. DIAC wants to recognize your talent and the contribution of your team. We want to share your projects to encourage others in the community, in business and in government to actively engage designers in their recovery efforts.
Inside Eglinton Crosstown, ULI Toronto Urbanism Symposium
Design is a relatively small part of the budget for Public-Private Partnership (P3) infrastructure projects, but when design is used strategically the impact can be catalytic. DIAC took up an invitation from the Urban Land Institute (ULI) to organize a tour and talk on the Eglinton Crosstown, as part of the Toronto Urbanism Symposium.
Design Cluster Tour, TCI Network Global Conference
In October 2018, the Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity invited DIAC to develop and lead a Design Immersion tour as part of the TCI Network Global Conference in Toronto. The conference focused on best practices in the management of economic clusters. It gave DIAC the opportunity to showcase, to an international audience, some vital aspects of Toronto’s design cluster. It also provided a chance to assess the assets of design in the context of local priority clusters in the Toronto Region, including advanced manufacturing, food, financial services, transportation and logistics.