T01: Design’s True Value: Making Sure our Industry is Represented at Every Level
Thursday, Jan. 23, 9-10am
Interior Design Show
Room 201B
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, North Building
We live and breathe design, and instinctively know its value. In a resource focused economy like Canada’s, how do we make sure that the sector gets the recognition and support it needs? How can we better represent design in Ontario? Hear from DIAC’s Strategic Director and a panel of experts about the work done so far, plans for the future, and how a bold new graphic identity has been developed to help the mission.
Topics covered:
The role and importance of advocacy
Redesigning a design organization
DIAC’s place in gov and industry landscape
Importance of design
Kevin Stolarick – Strategic Director, DIAC
Udo Schliemann – Principal Creative Director, Entro Communications
Doreen Colonello – Founder and Creative Director, Doreen Colonello Design
Note: This session is being submitted for OAA, ARIDO and IDCEC accreditation.
Learn more: interiordesignshow.com/toronto/agenda/1/